Android, the bad and the ugly

November 22, 2015 by Lucian Mogosanu

The field of operating systems engineering has been completely stuck in a rut in the last few decades: kernels aren't what they mean, Unix is the standard -- and mostly rightfully so -- and only few people1 think beyond the current engineering mess and try to bring something on the table to solve actual real problems that should be solved by, oh, I don't know, yesterday.

Android in particular is a half-baked idea initially designed for mobile phones and later extended for tablets, phablets and other devices for idiots2. The fundamental idea itself is great: an operating system meant to run perpetually and provide immediate accessibility to whomever wants to use it, as e.g. you may need to be able to answer that phone call right now and you need to read that important mail, yep, you guessed it, right now3. Its actual design and implementation are however bad, to say the least, and unlike other open source software such as, say, Linux, I don't see it growing and changing organically in the following years, unless Google decide to give up control over it; but anyway, less prophecy and more facts.

Note that this post is the result of years of usage and only because it doesn't cover the good parts, it doesn't mean that there are none. No improvement ever arose from gratuitous praise, however, so if you see fit to apply the same critique to other operating systems, mobile or otherwise, feel free.

The usage model

As it was designed for memory-constrained mobile devices, Android has a few neat doohickeys implemented.

Firstly, only one "activity", i.e. an application or part of it, may be run at a given time. Secondly, fast application switching is done by keeping as much of it and as many "activities" as possible in RAM. Thirdly, the kernel implements a "low-memory killer" (essentially a sort of garbage collector combined with a caching mechanism) that kills the least recently used "activities" when the system runs out of free memory. So the reasoning behind this scheme is simple: you start as many applications as you like, and the ones you used most recently will actually be kept in memory; the others may end up being killed, but everything should be properly saved if they implement the save/restore functionality exposed by the operating system interface4.

The issue with this model is that it doesn't take into account that the user will often end up wanting to use many applications over a small period of time. And while I agree that the user shouldn't be bugged with memory management issues, killing applications like that is a major source of non-determinism. Say, you recently ran a game which uses a lot of memory; then you run your feed reader and in turn use it to call the browser "activity" to read a post; then, after five minutes or so you finish reading, but you find out that for some reason the operating system decided to kill the feed reader "activity", which is then returned to its initial state, not the one it was supposed to be in after reading. Frustrating, isn't it? And all this without even mentioning the performance issues caused by reaping memory and re-starting the application.

Oh, and heavens forbid you should ever try to listen to music on Youtube and use the browser at the same time. No, this won't work, and "implementing it as a Service" isn't a solution, because in a sane system not all background applications are services. A service is a service, not any application running in background, but y'know, actually running and doing useful stuff.

Long story short, if you want me to use your system for general purpose applications, make it act like a general-purpose system, not some MS-DOS crap on a 80286.

The architecture

Despite the fact that it was designed for memory-constrained mobile devices, Android's architecture is largely distributed: most of the operating system runs on top of the Linux kernel, and comprises a run time component coming mostly from Java, but it's also made up of various other types of system components, such as "services", "managers" and a plethora of other software handling everything from displaying the current application to managing sound, notifications and other system settings.

This makes Android a very ambitious project, more so that it's been ported on a shitload of hardware platforms. At the same time, it makes it a proverbial hell of maintenance, compiling and interworking, resulting in zero benefit for the end user. Yes, all "modern software" is piled on layers upon layers of complexity, but this does not make Android a model for how software development is done.

This so-called hell is well reflected in Android's maintenance cycle: new mobile devices get the newest version, while old devices are left to rot, although that new version of Android should -- at least in theory -- work on your crappy old device. This isn't (only) an evil market gimmick on the vendors' side; no, the fact is, testing costs, and the pressure of delivering even the small yet critical security patch to a million devices is so costly that your average corporation can't afford the trouble. And you lose.

The protection model

I'm only including this because security is such a big topic nowadays; so, first, let's get one thing straight: Android doesn't have a protection model. Yes, applications are sandboxed and no, you can't exploit Android applications the way you used to exploit the old ones5, but as far as security goes this doesn't really mean anything.

Android applications are subject to this system where the developer uses a so-called "manifest"6 to describe what permissions the application needs in order to use various components, e.g. the accelerometer, the file system, the phone dialer and so on. When the user installs or updates the application, and exactly before that happens, they're greeted with the list of permissions required. At this point, the user has the option to continue installing the application or cancel the process; so, what will the user select in most cases? Take a wild guess.

This approach has two problems. Firstly, you can't disable permissions selectively7, so this "all or nothing" strategy is bothersome if you want to e.g. use Facebook without letting it send SMSs on your behalf. Secondly, despite efforts from the Android developers' part, permissions are not granular: "access to the file system" doesn't say anything about which files are accessible; making calls or downloading files doesn't impose any quotas, so you can download a 200KB application that then eats through your entire data plan in five minutes; I won't even go into the web access permissions which come as a complete privacy killer, nor into the wakelock acquisition which can eat your phone's battery without you even noticing, but you get the general idea. Basically, all you're left with is trusting the application developers to not be malicious or utter incompetents.

Additionally, there's the issue that once an application gets some permission, that permission can't be revoked or blocked without uninstalling. All the application needs to do is send an "intent" that it wants to use this or that and the system willingly gives it, just like that, without asking the user8. Surely, there are lots of scenarios where this makes sense, but there are others where it doesn't, and the user once again loses. Possibly even money, the real kind.

If you've been reading this properly, by now you should be convinced that the "Android protection model" is a sham. It's a model alright, but it has nothing to do with protection nor security. Probably the only good security-related thing that ever happened to Android was the SELinux integration.


If I were a good man, I would write another article with possible solutions and alternatives to the current issues with Android. Fortunately for me, I'm not. However I can say that whatever change will occur must come from a rethought and redesigned operating system, be it for mobile or desktop.

Meanwhile the list could go on. I haven't even touched on the general usability issues, as I haven't said anything about power management or the bad marketing associated with Android phones, or smartphones in general. You probably know about some of those already; my post will only stand as a reminder of how mobile operating systems used to look back in 2015.

At the end of the day, it doesn't hurt to take a closer look at what Google, Samsung, HTC and all the others are selling you. And by the looks of it, Apple are doing the same.

  1. You see, no one makes machines, be they physical or purely theoretical, only for the sake of making machines. The sole purpose of the machines' existence is the well-being of people and not the other way around; or, in other words, people matter, machines don't, unless they're useful to us somehow. 

  2. People in the West are clinging so much to the idea that everyone and their dog should know how to code, but they sell devices without a proper keyboard. Well, no, sorry, that doesn't work. Tell me when's the last time some American company came up with a decent laptop. 

  3. I'd like to see sociologists struggling to measure the effects this has on people's lives. But I'm digressing; fast boot times are important for those of us who don't drink coffee. 

  4. Which they very often don't, at least not properly. This is a major flaw in Android's design, although the guys who designed this might think otherwise. The thing is, you don't usually trust the application to save and restore its own state, otherwise bad stuff may, or rather most probably will happen to it. If nothing else, this makes application programming more difficult, as opposed to what the guys at Google are claiming. 

  5. Oh wait, you can. Nevermind. But for the record, you almost always can, because most programmers are terribly lousy. 

  6. Essentially a spec file for requesting resources from the operating system. Not such a bad idea actually. 

  7. They say that the next iteration of Android, Marshmallow. will (finally) support this, though, and it will work even for "legacy" applications. I'm pretty sure this will come at some cost, we're just not aware of it yet. All engineering is trade-off, and software engineering more so, especially when done for the purpose of backward compatibility. 

  8. Oh, and these "manifests", "intents" and whatnot can be hacked, at least in theory. It all reduces to editing that spec file, and there, you have whatever it is that your "malicious app" wanted. 

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7 Responses to “Android, the bad and the ugly”

  1. [...] Not in terms of raw computing power, but in terms of what -- and this is a very broad "what" -- its master can do with it. You don't even own your smartphone, so you can only use it for whatever "apps" your master has designed for you. Oh, and the gap between these two will only continue to widen. Just look at your average mobile operating system. ↩ [...]

  2. [...] And since they might be asking: I shot these (and some of the other shots) with a fixed (manual focus) 50mm lens, while some of the other others were shot using the stock 18-55mm lens on a Nikon D5100. If you ask me, the camera is a perfect entry-level DSLR for wannabe-photographers such as myself, especially since it's old enough not to come with a motherfucking Android. [...]

  3. [...] acquisition of Motorola Mobility, effectively grabbing the mobile market by the balls. Yes, using the bad and ugly Android. Not only that, but about midway through the 2007-2014 prolonged-quinquennial the press reveals [...]

  4. [...] that here by "user" I mean something completely different from the current-day meaning, as in e.g. "Android user". I'm sorry to be the one who (yet again) breaks it to the reader, but if an operating system [...]

  5. [...] for one remember Hill Climb Racing before it had a 2 at the end and moreover before there were any Androids and any JavaScript ads on the online market. If I remember correctly, back then HCR was a flash [...]

  6. [...] a Java written in C++ running atop a Linux along with a shitload of support services, yielding Android. The possibilities are endless, and endlessly [...]

  7. [...] in principle2 DOS games are old enough and they require so few resources that they can run even on the most broken among computing platforms. You just need: for one, a method to extract the game files from the [...]

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